Malmö 2023-04-09, IDS
Judges: Karin Hedberg (breed) & Manola Poggesi, Italien (Best In Show-Veteran)
- BOS, Cacib and qualified for her International Championtitle today!
LT CH LUX CH SE UCH Lythwood Charlotte - 2nd bd CC Lundecock’s Morning Rain
- 4th bd & BEST IN SHOW-Veteran! Ch Lundecock’s Sticky Fingers
Bö 2023-03-18, IDS – Norway
Judges: Marko Lepesaar (breed), Sonny Ström (group), Christina Daniels (progeny group) & Björge Espeland (BIS) – 66 entries
Ch Lundecock’s Coconut
Owner: Finn Helge Olsen
- 2nd best dog CC, Cacib and gained his Norwegian title today!
FI UCH SE UCH NO UCH Lundecock’s Theodor
- 3rd best dog R-CC
Lundecock’s Morning Rain
- Junior-CC Junior-Cacib
Lundecock’s Good Heavens
Owner: Bjørn Ragnar Teigen
- 3rd bb CC and gained her Norwegian title today
C.I.B SE UCH LUX DE NL CH JW’18 NL JCh Lundecock’s Never Look Back
Owner: Xander van Ulsen
- Best In Show Progeny Group by Ch Lundecock’s Coconut
Martini Dogshow 2023-03-05, IDS – Germany
Judge: Anita F. Duggan (IE)
- BOB CC Cacib and gained his Dutch Championtitle today!
CIB FI NO SE Ch Lundecock’s Read It All
My Dog 2 2023-01-06, NDS – Gothenburg
Judge: Ann-Christine Johansson (breed), Sonny Ström (group)
- BOB & BIG-2
Ch Lundecock’s Coconut
- 3rd bd BOS-Veteran
Ch Lundecock’s Sticky Fingers
- 4th bd R-CC BOB-Junior
Lundecock’s Shape And Make
Owner Finn Helge Olsen
Lundecock’s Nickie
Owner Heidi Wahl
- 3rd bb
Ch Lundecock’s Never Look Back
My Dog 1 2023-01-05, IDS – Gothenburg
A great start of 2023!
Judge: Christine Sonberg (breed), Charlotte Höier (group), Laurent Heinesche (veteran)
- BOB, Cacib & BIG-2
Ch. Lundecock’s Coconut
Owner Finn Helge Olsen - 3rd bd BOB-Veteran, Veteran-Cacib BIS-4 Veteran
Ch Lundecock’s Sticky Fingers - 4th bd CC Junior-Cacib & gained his International Junior Championtitle Lundecock’s Shape And Make
Owner Finn Helge Olsen - R-CC
Lundecock’s Morning Rain - BOS CC Cacib & gained her Swedish Championtitle today!
Ch Lundecock’s Never Look Back
Owner Jasper & Xander van Ulsen